How to Communicate with Tenants During Emergency Repairs


Emergency repairs are a fact of life for landlords, and often bring up unique challenges such as communication with tenants. Landlords must ensure that they take measures to protect everyone’s safety and time when communicating with tenants about emergency repairs. This article will discuss the best practices for landlords to use when communicating with tenants during emergency repairs.

Explaining the Situation

Before any repairs can be started, tenants need to be informed of the issue and what the steps will be to repair it. Landlords should take the time to explain the issue clearly and answer any questions the tenant may have.

When notifying tenants of emergency repairs, landlords should strive to be as clear and concise as possible. Opening communication using phrases such as, “We’re sorry to inform you, but there is an emergency repair that needs to be done at the property at once” can help tenants understand the urgency of the situation.

Getting Consent

The next step should be to gain the consent of the tenant to complete the repairs. Landlords should make sure to ask for written consent if the situation requires it. This should be followed by arranging a specific time for the repairs to take place. Including a deadline in the communication can be helpful, as this will show the tenant that the landlord is serious about getting the repair started and completed as soon as possible.

Understand Tenant’s Privacy

It is important for landlords to remember that the tenant’s home is their private domain and that should be respected. Asking for permission to enter and assuring the tenant that any repair crew will be professional and respect their space is an important practice that should be followed.

Making Repairs

Once the tenant has agreed to the repairs, it’s time to get to work. During this time, it’s important for landlords to stay in communication with the tenant. Tenants should be informed of any updates and any change of plans in a timely fashion.

Check Completion

Once the repairs are completed, the landlord should take the time to inspect the work and, if possible, have the tenant inspect it with them. This helps ensure that the repairs are done correctly and to the tenant’s satisfaction.


Finally, landlords should be sure to document all of the communication and repairs that were done. This is important to have on hand in case any additional problems arise in the future.


  • Be polite
  • Be clear
  • Be transparent
  • Stay in touch
  • Follow through
  • Keep records
  • Respect privacy
  • Protect everyone’s safety
  • Make sure work is done properly


When it comes to communicating with tenants during emergency repairs, landlords should take care to provide their tenants with clear communication about the repairs and gain their permission before doing any work. This helps ensure that the tenant knows what is going on and that the repair work is done correctly. Remember to stay in touch with tenants throughout the repair process and keep records of all communication. This way, both tenants and landlords can feel secure in the knowledge that the repairs were done properly.

What information should I provide tenants when communicating about emergency repairs?

When communicating about emergency repairs, it is important to tell tenants information such as:

• Who to contact and how to contact them

• What repairs are taking place and why

• How long repairs may take

• Where to go for assistance if needed

• Where any alternate living or work arrangements may be necessary

• When compensation, if available, may be expected

• Available resources for locating contractors or supplies

• Health and safety guidelines to follow when repairs are taking place

• Steps being taken to protect tenants’ best interests And safety

What processes should I follow when dealing with emergency repairs for tenants?

1. Assess the urgency of the situation: Make sure you understand the seriousness of the damage, and determine if it is an emergency.

2. Notify the tenant: Immediately contact the tenant to keep them informed of the issue and next steps.

3. Find the necessary resources: Reach out to other organisations or repair contractors who are able to help you manage the repair as soon as possible.

4. Request proof of repairs from contractor: Ensure the contractor completes the work and provides you proof of the repairs.

5. Follow up with the tenant: Contact the tenant to ensure they are satisfied with the repairs and address any additional needs.

6. Document the repair process: File all documents, images, and contracts related to the emergency repair in your records.

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