How to Plan for Routine Property Maintenance

Owning a property isn’t always a simple affair, especially if you’ve got numerous units or homes under your care. Keeping up with routine maintenance and staying on top of any necessary repairs can really cut down on long-term costs and ensure that your investments are running as efficiently as possible. But creating a maintenance plan that takes care of all of your properties’ needs without eating up too much of your time can seem like an overwhelming task. Never fear—we’re here to help you craft the perfect maintenance plan.

Do Your Research & Create a Property Database

The best way to plan for routine property maintenance is to think ahead, so the first step is to do a thorough inspection of each property and create a system for tracking their features and needs. Check the roofs, HVAC systems, and plumbing. Take note of any chipped paint or broken fences. Determine what kind of interior inspections you would like to conduct. Make sure everything that needs attention is marked down: the roofs, the heating unit, the plumbing.

Vendors, warranties, costs, and contact information should also be tracked so you keep control of the maintenance budget. Additionally, keep a record of all maintenance and repairs that have been completed so that you can catch any recurring issues. When you manage a property database, your tenant calls won’t slow you down.

Create a Maintenance Calendar

Once you’ve got the property database in order, the next step is to create an automated maintenance plan. Create a calendar that assigns various regular duties to each month (or quarter). This calendar will be the foundation of your maintenance plan. Include all of the tasks you noted while creating your database, such as annual roof inspections, regular plumbing maintenance, and HVAC system checks. Note the tasks that must be completed on a monthly, quarterly, semi-annual, or annual basis.

Choose the Right Professionals

Now that you’ve got your plan in front of you, it’s time to act. Choose qualified and professional vendors and contractors to work with. Exceptional service and credentials should always be a top priority when choosing any contractors or vendors to work with. Also, secure any warranties or guarantees for completed work or services. Make sure your vendors can meet the deadlines that you set out on your maintenance calendar.

Let Your Tenants Know About the Plan

When it comes to property management, communication is key. Make sure your tenants are aware of the maintenance plan you will be enacting. Notifying them ahead of time will give them the opportunity to alert you to any areas that they may have noticed that need attention. Additionally, tenants will appreciate the fact that they know ahead of time what will be done. Involving them will show that you care about their comfort and safety.

Use Technology to Automate Your Maintenance Tasks

Increasingly, property owners and managers are turning to automated maintenance systems and apps to keep track of their properties. These tools will help you assign tasks, track costs, and inform tenants of upcoming maintenance. Automated maintenance tools also provide analytics that give property owners insights into the most common issues that arise in their homes or rental units, which can inform future budgeting decisions.

Make Regular Inspections

No matter what type of property you’re managing, it is important to make regular inspections to ensure that all maintenance and repairs are being completed in a timely manner. Having eyes on the property will ensure that even the smallest details aren’t missed. It also allows you to be proactive in catching any issues that may require attention before they become more serious.

Be Prepared for Emergencies

Remain flexible and be prepared to address any unplanned repairs. It is important to have an emergency plan in place for times that are both expected and unexpected. Keep a contacts list handy and build relationships with the local emergency response teams.

Create the Perfect Maintenance Plan with These Tips

Creating the perfect maintenance plan takes some preparation, but it’s worth it in the long run. Here’s the rundown of your plan: create a property database, create a maintenance calendar, choose the right professionals, let your tenants know about the plan, use technology to automate your maintenance tasks, make regular inspections, and be prepared for emergencies. You’ll thank yourself for the advanced planning when your property remains in top shape.


Routine property maintenance is a must if you want to ensure that your investments stay in tip-top shape. Creating a plan that takes care of all your properties’ needs will not only make your job easier, but will also provide added value. Following the steps outlined above will help you put your perfect maintenance plan into place so that you can rest easy knowing your property is in good hands. Although making a plan takes effort, you’ll be able to reap the benefits quickly. So get to it and make sure your property is top notch!

All the best!

What types of maintenance should be completed during routine property maintenance?

1.) Inspect plumbing system, check drain lines & check water pressure.

2.) Inspect electrical system, check outlets & wiring.

3.) Clear gutters & downspouts & check for signs of wear or damage.

4.) Examine the exterior of the home, check windows and doors for signs of damage or wear.

5.) Remove any debris from the yard or the driveway.

6.) Check the roof for missing or damaged tiles or shingles.

7.) Inspect the HVAC system & clean and replace filters.

8.) Test smoke and carbon monoxide detectors and change batteries.

9.) Clean out exhaust fans & check for proper ventilation.

10.) Check and test all security systems.

11.) Clean interior surfaces and vacuum carpets.

12.) Inspect cabinetry & interior trim for signs of water damage or cracks.

13.) In some cases, flush out air conditioning systems & inspect refrigerant lines.

What is the difference between preventative and regular maintenance?

Preventative maintenance is a planned and scheduled process that is designed to keep equipment or systems running at peak performance and reduce the likelihood of unexpected and costly breakdowns or emergencies. It includes regular inspections, adjustments, parts replacement, cleaning, and lubrication to ensure that all components are functioning properly. Regular maintenance is any work that is done to keep a system or equipment functioning properly and to prevent major breakdowns or other issues. This can include simple tasks such as cleaning and lubrication, as well as more complex work such as replacing parts. Regular maintenance is typically done on an as-needed basis.

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