Lawn and Garden Care for Rental Properties

When it comes to rental properties, keeping the lawn and gardens in optimal shape is essential in order to maintain a visually pleasant environment and help keep tenants happy. Doing so can be challenging, though, as the property manager is often juggling multiple tasks. To help stay on top of lawn and garden care for rental properties, here are some helpful tips.

1. Planning and Budgeting

The first step to any successful project is having a plan. When it comes to lawn and garden care for rental properties, it’s important to determine the overall goal of the project and then break it down into achievable steps.

This could include creating a budget for the materials that will need to be purchased, arranging for services from a professional landscaper, and ordering supplies in advance. Of course, any planned activities should also factor in regional weather patterns, temperature extremes, seasonal changes, and other potential variables that could play a role in a successful outcome.

2. Professional Landscaping

One way to take the hassle out of lawn and garden care is to hire a professional landscaper. With a professional on board, the property manager can rest assured that the job will get done right and on schedule.

Most professional landscaping services offer weekly or bi-weekly services, depending on the level of care needed. The service could include lawn mowing, edging, trimming, and weeding; additionally, they may be available for seasonal planting, pruning, and fertilization.

3. DIY Lawn Maintenance

Property managers who prefer to handle the lawn and garden care themselves can also do so with relative ease. By following a few simple tips and tricks, the job can be done quickly and efficiently.


Mowing should be done on a regular basis! The proper height for a lawn mower should be adjusted depending on the time of year, making it shorter in the warmer months and a bit higher in the colder months.


Weeds can be tricky to eliminate and may require multiple treatments. Digging them out by hand and/or using an herbicide can help to keep weeds at bay.


Fertilizing is an important part of lawn and garden care, as it helps to encourage growth and keep the lawn healthy. Depending on the type of fertilizer used, the lawn should be fertilized every 4-6 weeks.


When it comes to shrubs, trees, and other foliage, pruning can be used to reduce clutter and improve the overall aesthetic of the property. It’s best to prune either in the late winter or early spring before new growth starts to emerge.

4. Additional Tips

In addition to the previously mentioned tips, property managers can use the following strategies to keep their lawn and gardens looking neat and tidy:

  • Keep an eye out for pests such as insects, weeds, and rodents.
  • Take advantage of seasonal changes by planning ahead and adjusting care tasks accordingly.
  • Consider planting drought-tolerant or low-maintenance grass varieties.
  • Utilize mulch in landscaped areas to reduce weeds and improve the soil.
  • Look into using a soil moisture sensor to help with irrigation.
  • Periodically inspect the sod and soil to ensure it is healthy and free of disease.

5. Get Creative with Garden Care

Gardens can be a great way to make rental properties stand out. Not only do gardens add color and beauty, but they can also provide practical functions such as providing a place to store garden tools and creating a private outdoor space.

When it comes to garden care, it’s important to think carefully about the types of plants and flowers that will be used as well as their positioning. Additionally, utilizing mulch or compost to improve soil health and add nutrients to the soil is always a good idea.

6. Invest in the Right Tools and Supplies

Having the right tools and supplies on hand will make it easy to keep a rental property looking neat and tidy. Some of the essential supplies that a property manager should have include garden gloves, pruning shears, a shovel, a rake, a lawn mower, and a hose.

For larger projects, such as installing new sod or planting a garden, additional supplies such as fertilizer, compost, and ground cover, may be necessary.

7. Keep an Eye on Safety

Safety should be a top priority when it comes to lawn and garden care. Be sure to use proper safety gear when tackling projects, such as gloves, safety glasses, and a face mask. Additionally, it’s important to stay on top of any potential hazards such as ground-dwelling insects or damaged fencing.


Taking care of the lawn and garden at rental properties can go a long way towards keeping tenants happy and the property in good condition. Doing so requires thoughtful planning, budgeting, and the use of the right tools and supplies. By following the tips mentioned above, property managers can easily stay on top of lawn and garden care for rental properties.

What is the best way to maintain lawn and garden care on a rental property?

The best way to maintain a lawn and garden on a rental property is to invest in regular professional services. Hiring a reputable lawn and garden company to consistently perform routine lawn and garden services will help ensure the property looks its best year-round. Regular services may include lawn mowing, edging, pruning, weeding, fertilization, mulching, aeration, and pest control. Regular maintenance can also help keep landscaping and gardens healthy and attractive, as well as reduce the likelihood of damage or other issues arising from neglect. Additionally, it’s important that the property manager maintains open communication with tenants to ensure they are aware of any lawn and gardening expectations and to ensure they adhere to them.

What are the responsibilities of the landlord in maintaining a rental property’s lawn and garden care?

The landlord typically has the responsibility for maintaining the lawn and garden care of a rental property, although this can vary depending on the terms of the lease. Generally speaking, the landlord’s responsibilities include mowing, fertilizing, watering, aerating, weeding, pruning trees and bushes, and controlling garden pests. The landlord is also responsible for keeping the lawn and garden free from debris and clutter. Additionally, the landlord is also expected to maintain the property’s borders, fencing, irrigation systems, and other features in good condition. Lastly, the landlord is expected to respond quickly and appropriately to any tenant complaints or issues related to the property’s lawn and garden care.

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