Lighting Tips for Better Property Photos

Showing off your property listings with amazing photography is essential in today’s real estate market. Professional quality photos can help showcase the features of the property and give buyers an idea of what the home looks like. But in order to make these photos look great, you need to make sure your lighting is on point. Keep reading for some Lighting Tips for Better Property Photos.

Why Lighting Matters?

The right lighting can help to make your property photographs look much more inviting. It can bring out the best features of the property and make it look incredibly inviting. But if you don’t use the right lighting, it can also have a huge impact on the quality of your photos. Poor lighting can make photos look dull and lifeless, which can have a major impact on how potential buyers view your listings.

Lighting Tips for Better Property Photos

Nobody wants to be caught off guard when it comes to shooting properties. To help you get the best property photos possible, here are some Lighting Tips for Better Property Photos:

1. Buy Professional Lighting Equipment

If you’re serious about property photography, investing in some quality lighting equipment is a must. Having quality lighting equipment will allow you to control the lighting in your photos much better and can make all the difference between an average and incredible looking photograph.

2. Use Natural Light When Possible

Whenever possible, try to use natural light for your photos. Natural light can add a soft and inviting feel that can be difficult to replicate with artificial lighting. To get the best results, try to shoot at the golden hours (one hour just after sunrise, and two hours just before sunset).

3. Use Reflectors and Softboxes

In order to get the best lighting for your property photos, it is a good idea to use reflectors and softboxes. Reflectors can help to bounce light off of your subject and reduce the amount of shadows in your photos. Softboxes, on the other hand, can help to diffuse the light and create a softer look for your photos.

4. Use the Right Color Temperature

Using the right color temperature when shooting is also essential. Color temperature can have a huge impact on the look and feel of your photos. It can also make a huge difference in the mood and atmosphere of the photos. To get the best results, try to use color temperatures between 3200 and 5500K.

5. Pay Attention to the Details

The little details can make or break a photograph. Pay close attention to each and every detail in the photo. Make sure everything is in its rightful place and the lighting is just right. Even small details like the curtains or the carpet can have a huge impact on the final photo.

6. Experiment with Different Angles

Sometimes it can be helpful to experiment with different angles when taking your photos. Different angles can help to bring out different aspects of the property and highlight certain features. Try to shoot from various angles and distances and see what works best for your particular photo.

7. Know When to Stop

Finally, remember that it is important to know when to stop. If the photo looks good, there is no need to keep tweaking it. Over-editing can often make the photo look unnatural and forced. Try to keep things as simple and natural as possible for the best results.


Having great lighting can make all the difference when taking photos for property listings. We hope that these Lighting Tips for Better Property Photos help you create some unique and beautiful shots of your properties. Remember to take your time and experiment with different angles and lighting techniques to get the best possible results.

The right lighting is essential for high-quality property photos. Using professional lighting equipment, natural light, reflectors, and soft boxes, paying attention to the details, experimenting with different angles, and knowing when to stop will give you the best Lighting Tips for Better Property Photos. With these tips in mind, you will be ready to capture stunning photos that will help you showcase your property in its best light.

What are the best camera settings for outdoor property photos?

1. Set your camera to manual mode and use a low ISO setting (100-400) for the sharpest images.

2. Set the aperture between f/8 and f/11 for most outdoor property photos to achieve nice depth of field.

3. Use a longer shutter speed to capture an even exposure of the entire property (around 1/6 – 5 seconds).

4. Use a wide-angle lens to capture the full coverage of the space.

5. Utilize a tripod to help keep your camera still and reduce camera shake.

6. Use natural lighting to create flattering and natural-looking images.

7. Adjust white balance settings to compensate for the color of the natural light.

8. Use a flash or reflector to fill in shadows on sunny days.

9. Choose a point of view that captures both the house and its surroundings.

10. Use appropriate post-processing techniques such as exposure correction, contrast, or color correction to enhance your images.

What type of lens should be used for outdoor property photos?

A wide angle lens is typically best for outdoor property photos, since it will allow you to capture a wide field of view. However, a telephoto lens may also be used to take closer shots of certain features or to zoom in on a particular area.

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