Navigating Noise Complaints in Your Rental Property

Renting out a property is a great way to increase your income as a landlord, but it can also mean dealing with noise complaints. Whether you’re a seasoned landlord or new to the scene, hearing complaints from your tenants can be a headache. Fortunately, there are some ways to navigate through and reduce the amount of noise complaints you receive.

Understand Your Tenant’s Needs

It’s important to understand what your tenant’s needs and wants are when it comes to noise. Take the time to ask each tenant how their experience has been and if there is anything you can do to make it better. This will help you create a better environment and ease tension when there are noise complaints.

Creating a Noise Policy

Creating a noise policy is a great way to reduce the number of noise complaints you get. It will set expectations between you and the tenants and make it easier to handle them when they arise. Things to include in a noise policy are:

  • The acceptable levels of noise
  • Types of noise that are not allowed
  • When noise should not take place
  • Consequences for violating the policy

Share the Rules with Tenants

Once you have created the noise policy, it is important to make sure your tenants are aware of it. Take the time to go over the policy with each tenant and make sure they understand it. Additionally, ensure that the policy is in writing and is included in the lease agreement so it is clear.

Enforce the Rules

It is important to enforce the rules for noise that you have laid out for your tenants. This will show that you are taking their complaints seriously and that you are doing your part to keep the property quiet. If a tenant is found to be in violation of the noise policy, it is important to take action and follow through with the consequences that were laid out in the policy.

Be Proactive Against Noise

Being proactive against noise can help you avoid having to deal with noise complaints in the first place. This can be done by taking steps such as installing noise insulation or providing sound machines in bedrooms for a better sleep experience. Additionally, you can provide noise-canceling headphones to tenants or add sound-dampening rugs or curtains.

Stay Calm

When it comes to handling noise complaints, it is important to stay calm. Try to de-escalate the situation and be understanding of the tenant’s needs. Show that you are listening to their complaints and that you are willing to take action.

Find a Resolution

Once both parties have talked about the noise complaint, it’s important to find a resolution that works for both of you. Be open to compromise and suggestions from the tenant. Ask what they would like done and take it into consideration.

Document Everything

When it comes to dealing with noise complaints, documentation is key. Keep track of all noise complaints that come in and any action you take in order to resolve them. This will help you keep track of them and make sure nothing falls through the cracks.

Address Repeat Offenders

If a tenant has had multiple noise complaints, it is important to take swift action in order to resolve the situation. Talk to the tenant and try to come up with a solution. If that does not work, it may be necessary to take the issue to court.

Stay Professional

When it comes to noise complaints, it is important to remain professional and not let emotions get in the way. Do not take any action out of anger or frustration and instead take the time to listen to the tenant and find a resolution.

Keep the Property Updated

Keeping the property up-to-date can help reduce the amount of noise complaints you receive. Make sure to check for any leaks or cracks that may cause noise to travel, and be sure to keep any appliances or wiring up to date.


Navigating noise complains in your rental property can be daunting. But with these tips, landlords can tackle these issues head-on and create a peaceful and quiet environment for their tenants. Taking the steps to create a noise policy, staying professional and understanding your tenant’s needs will go a long way toward reducing noise complaints.

How do I handle a noise complaint in my rental property?

1. Investigate: Ensure you are in compliance with local noise ordinances. Ask your tenant to provide you with a detailed description of the complaint.

2. Address the complaint: Call the tenant to verify the complaint and determine the source of the noise. Discuss the complaint with the tenant and explain what steps will need to be taken in order to resolve the situation.

3. Solve the problem: If the noise is coming from another tenant, speak to both parties and come to a resolution. If necessary, speak with the offending tenant’s landlord to reach an agreement.

4. Follow up: Follow up with the tenant to ensure the problem is resolved. Also, check in with the other tenant’s landlord, if applicable.

5. Document: Make sure you have detailed documentation of the complaint and any solutions reached. This will be important for future dealings with the tenant.

What should I do if my tenant makes a noise complaint?

1. Take the complaint seriously and investigate it promptly.

2. Talk to the tenant to find out the specifics and try to identify potential solutions.

3. Speak with the neighbors to find out if they also share the same complaint.

4. Offer possible solutions to address the noise issue (such as soundproofing materials, noise mitigation measures, setting up quiet hours, or any other ideas that could help reduce the noise)

5. Make sure the tenant understands their rights and responsibilities under the lease and local noise ordinances.

6. Document the complaint and all actions taken to try to resolve the issue.

7. Follow up with the tenant to ensure their satisfaction with the resolution.

What should I include in a rental property noise policy?

1. A clear definition of noise levels that are considered acceptable and those that are unacceptable.

2. Hours of operation for noise-generating activities such as music and parties.

3. Specific restrictions on activities such as playing musical instruments and operating noisy machinery.

4. Consequences for violating the noise policy.

5. A communication plan for dealing with noise complaints, including tenant education, follow-up, and enforcement.

6. Guidance on how to soundproof dwellings, control noise leaks from windows and doors, and use noise mitigating technologies such as noise reduction curtains.

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