Tax Implications of Hiring Property Management Services

When you are a property owner, you will have to think through the tax implications of hiring a property management service. In this article, we will discuss these tax implications so that you can make informed decisions when deciding whether to hire property management services.

Advantages of Property Management Services

When hiring property management services, you are essentially outsourcing most of your rental property tasks to an expert team of property managers. Companies offering property management services are knowledgeable about the latest rental property regulations, industry trends, and updates to landlord-tenant law. The knowledge and expertise of these teams offer several advantages to landlords.

    • Professionalism: Property management companies are professionals, meaning they will make sure that everything that needs to be done will get done. This will ensure your rental property and tenants receive top-notch professional service.
    • Time Savings: This allows you to manage more than one property without taking too much time away from your daily activities. Property managers can handle most of the tasks associated with a rental property, freeing you from the need to carry out maintenance and administrative tasks.
    • Cost Savings: By outsourcing tasks to a property management company, you may be able to reduce your total rental property costs, particularly if multiple properties are managed. Unlock the secrets to effective finance and pricing for UK landlords

Tax Implications for Hiring Property Management Services

The main tax implications for hiring a property management company is that you must pay taxes on the fees you pay the company in the form of a deductible business expense. Generally, these deductible fees vary from 10-25 percent of the gross rental income. You may also incur certain expenses related to working with a property management company, such as travel costs for meeting with the company’s representatives.

If a landlord decides to hire a property management firm, the cost of services must be included in the Schedule E form. This form is usually used to report rental income and expenses.

Types of Issues Property Management Covers?

Property managers can help landlords with a variety of tasks related to managing rental property. These services could include everything from tenant screening, rental property maintenance, rent collection, legal issues, periodic property inspections, and more. Property managers can also help landlords maximize their rents by assisting with market research and rental rate optimization.

Are Property Management Expenses Deductible?

Yes, the expenses of hiring a property management company are deductible from your tax liability. As a landlord, you may deduct the cost of any property management service as a business expense on Form 1040 Schedule E for the income period when the services were provided.

You should also keep in mind that the IRS allows landlords to deduct a certain portion of their rental expenses, including management fees, to offset rental income.

What Counts as Property Management Expenses?

    • Advertising and renting the property
    • Maintenance and repair costs
    • Utilities and any other associated service
    • Communication and internet services
    • Costs of any professional services
    • Tax preparation costs
    • Insurance premium expenses
    • Property management fee
    • Legal fees (if applicable)
    • Travel expenses incurred while attending to the property
    • Bookkeeping fees

When Should You Hire Property Management Services?

It is important to remember that property management is an expensive venture. Therefore, it is important to carefully consider when it makes financial sense to hire property management services.

    • If you have multiple rental properties or scattered rentals.
    • If you are in an area that has strict landlord-tenant laws.
    • If you are having difficulty finding quality tenants.
    • If there is a lack of services from local authorities.
    • If the cost of the services is less than the money you would spend trying to do it yourself.

Individual or Company: Who is Responsible for Tax Filing?

The property management company is ultimately responsible for filing taxes. However, it is important to note that the company must supply you with the necessary documentation. This includes rental income reports, deductible costs, and receipts for all business expenses.


In conclusion, hiring a property management company can be a great way to relieve some of the time and stress associated with managing rental property. However, it is important to remember to consider the tax implications of such a decision before making the decision to hire services. Understanding the tax implications can help you to make an informed decision about whether or not a property management service is right for you.

It is also important to note that if you do decide to hire a property management service, you cannot abdicate all of your landlord responsibilities. Ultimately, you are still responsible for all legal and financial aspects of managing the rental property, even with a property management company.

What taxes do property management services charge?

The taxes charged by property management services vary depending on the state, county, and city. Generally, property management services may charge taxes on rental income, such as state income tax, local taxes, and value-added taxes. In some states, property management services may also be required to charge a special assessment or sales tax on their services. The rates can vary significantly from one area to another. It is important to research the tax implications in your specific state or city before hiring a property management service.

What fees are included in a property management service?

1. Start-Up/Sign-On Fees: This fee is charged to cover the cost of setting up the management services – typically drafting the property management agreement, initiating the tenant screening process, and collecting the first month’s rent.

2. Rent Collection: Property management companies charge a fee to collect rents from tenants, deposit into a rental account, and track the payments against the rental amount. This fee may be a set fee or a percentage of monthly rent.

3. Maintenance and/or Repair Charges: Property management companies typically cover inspections, maintenance, and repairs on behalf of landlords. Fees may include an hourly rate for on-demand maintenance and repair, or a fee plus the cost of materials.

4. Advertising and Leasing Fees: Property management companies typically charge landlords for services related to finding and screening tenants, including advertising, background checks, credit checks, etc.

5. Bookkeeping and Accounting Fees: Property management companies typically charge a fee to manage the financials related to your rental, including collecting, tracking, and depositing rents, preparing annual statements and HOA fee payments, and more.

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