The Importance of Written Communication in Landlord-Tenant Relations

Whether you manage one property or a full portfolio of properties, one of the most essential skills of a successful landlord is the ability to successfully navigate landlord-tenant relationships. Written communication is an important part of this process and helps to maintain healthy, professional relationships with tenants.

What Types of Communication Should Be In Writing?

Naturally,written communication isn’t absolutely necessary for every interaction, but there situations when it is essential:

  • Lease signing and renewal
  • Requests to terminate leases
  • Requests for repairs or maintenance
  • Late rent notifications
  • Contractual agreements
  • Notices of rent increase
  • Eviction notices
  • Changes of terms and conditions
  • Additional charges/fees

When it comes to landlord-tenant relations, it’s wise to have a written record of agreements and breaches of contract. Writing things down also helps create a paper trail to which landlords can refer to in the event of disputes.

The Advantages of Written Communication

Using written communication can help landlords better protect themselves and their properties, as well as ensure tenant compliance with the terms and conditions of their rents. Some of the advantages of written communication include:

  • It helps create a record of communication – everything that has been agreed upon can be referenced later.
  • It allows landlords to more closely document tenants’ behavior and maintain a legible log of complaints, notices, payments and more.
  • It provides tenants with a clear and specific understanding of their rights and obligations.
  • It allows landlords to ensure tenants have met their contractual obligations.
  • It helps to keep tenants informed and involved, and demonstrates that the landlord is a professional.

Making the Most of Written Communication

Using written communication is a highly recommended practice for landlords, especially when it comes to something as important as landlord-tenant relations. To make the most of written communication:

  • Be clear – Ensure that communications are clear and easy to understand.
  • Ensure consistency – Use consistent wording and tone, sending messages in a timely manner.
  • Use templates – Have emails, letters, and other memos ready in advance so that you don’t have to draft them on the spot.
  • Always document – Always document conversations and transactions – even those that occur on the phone.
  • Watch your language – Don’t use offensive language or aggressive tones in your communications.

What Can Be Gained by Going Digital?

Ultimately, going digital with communication can prove to be most beneficial for landlords. With digital channels such as e-mail, apps, and instant messaging, landlords can streamline the communication process in a secure manner. Digital payment technologies can also make it easy for tenants to pay their rent.

Some online property management applications and tenant portals offer tools to send messages to tenants in a more secure, organized, and user-friendly way. Having these types of capabilities can help landlords respond to tenant requests quickly and effectively.

Using Written Communication to Build Positive Landlord-Tenant Relations

Good landlord-tenant relations can contribute to a better and well-run property, but this is only possible when there is a mutual understanding of each party’s rights and responsibilities. Written communication can help landlords maintain such relationships, ensuring that everything runs smoothly and both parties are happy.

Regular and effective written communication helps landlords ensure their tenants have everything they need, which can set the tone for positive, lasting tenant-landlord relationships.


When it comes to landlord-tenant relations, written communication is essential. Writing things down, even if it’s just a brief note or email, can create an important record of communication, agreement and compliance. Documentation also helps landlords manage the process, protect themselves and ensure tenants meet their obligations in a timely, efficient, and safe manner.

What can landlords do to ensure effective written communication with tenants?

1. Be clear and concise: When drafting any written communication with tenants, landlords should ensure that their message is clear, concise, and organized. This will make it easier for tenants to understand the key points they need to know.

2. Personalize the communication: When writing emails or letters to tenants, landlords should use the tenant’s name in the written correspondence. This will make the written communication more personalized and can increase the chances of tenants actually reading the content.

3. Use easy-to-understand language: Landlords should avoid using complex language or terms that the average person does not typically understand. Using everyday language will help ensure the message is understood by the tenant.

4. Provide information in multiple formats: Landlords should also consider providing written communication in multiple formats (e.g. email, letter, text, etc). This way tenants can choose the format they are most comfortable with for receiving information.

5. Be polite and professional: It is important for landlords to maintain a polite and professional tone throughout all written communication with tenants. This will help ensure that tenants know that the landlord respects them and the rental agreement. Additionally, using polite language will increase the chances of tenants reading and responding to written communication.

What type of communication is most effective for landlords to use with tenants?

The most effective type of communication for landlords to use with tenants is clear and direct communication. Whether through phone calls, emails, or text messages, landlords should communicate courteously and precisely, informing tenants of any changes in rental policies or information pertinent to their rental agreement. Additionally, landlords should set up regular check-ins with their tenants, either in-person or over the phone, in order to stay up-to-date on the status of the rental unit. If issues or complaints arise, landlords should be patient and responsive.

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