The Landlord’s Guide to Appliance Maintenance

As a landlord, it’s important to stay up to date with appliance maintenance. After all, happy tenants are your best advertisement. Keeping your appliances in good working order helps increase tenants’ well-being and keeps your property values top-notch. With that in mind, here’s your guide to appliance maintenance!

What Do You Need to Know About Appliance Maintenance?

It’s important to understand the importance of appliance maintenance. Not only do poorly maintained units cost more in energy costs, but they’re also at risk of malfunction. With regular maintenance, you can ensure that your appliances are running safely and efficiently.

How to Schedule Appliance Maintenance

The first step towards appliance maintenance is scheduling. Whether it be a yearly checkup or a more regular preventative schedule, a maintenance plan allows for informed decisions about what needs to be done to keep your units in tip-top shape.

What To Look For In Appliance Maintenance

When it comes to appliance maintenance, there are a few key things to look out for. Firstly, check for any signs of wear and tear in the unit. Also, keep an eye out for any dirt or debris accumulating in or around the unit. Finally, check for any leaks or signs of corrosion.

Cleaning and Maintenance Must-Dos

When it comes to cleaning and maintenance, there are a few must-dos. First, make sure to clean the exterior of the unit with a damp cloth. This will help get rid of build-up and keep the unit looking brand-new.

Next, clean and inspect the interior of the unit. Make sure to do this thoroughly and be sure to replace any parts that may be worn out.

Finally, inspect the hoses and connections for any leaks or blockages. If any are found, be sure to repair or replace them as quickly as possible to avoid any future issues.

DIY Maintenance Tips

If you’re in the market for DIY maintenance tips, you’re in luck! Here are a few to get you started.

  • Clean the exterior of the unit with a damp cloth on a regular basis.
  • Check for any signs of wear and tear inside the unit.
  • Inspect hoses and connections for any leaks or blockages.
  • Replace any parts that are worn or corroded.
  • Clean and inspect the interior of the unit.
  • Inspect the power cords for any cuts or frays.
  • Remove any dirt or debris from the vents.
  • Check the filters for any blockages or dirt.
  • Replace filters regularly, according to the manufacturer’s recommendations.

When to Call a Professional

As tempting as DIY maintenance can be, there are times when it’s best to call in the professionals. If you’re dealing with an old or complicated unit, it’s best to hire a professional.

Also, if you come across any defects or malfunctions that you’re unable to diagnose or repair, it’s best to call in a pro. Finally, if you run into any electrical or gas problems, you should never attempt to fix them on your own and you should always call for assistance.

Finding the Right Professional

When it comes to finding the right professional, you’ll want to make sure they have experience dealing with the type of appliance you have. In some cases, you may even want to look for certifications.

You’ll also want to do your research and read reviews to get a sense of the quality of their work. Lastly, make sure to get an estimate or quote before you commit to any repairs.

Important Maintenance Tips After Repairs

Once the repairs have been completed, it’s time to look after the appliance. Make sure to keep all vents unblocked as best as you can. You should also clean or replace the filters whenever necessary.

In addition, consult the manual for any specific maintenance procedures or suggestions. Finally, be sure to keep up with regular inspections to ensure the appliance is staying in top condition.

Preventative Maintenance Tips

The best way to keep your appliance running smoothly is to take a proactive approach. Make sure to check and clean the exterior as often as possible. Also, inspect the interior for any signs of damage or wear and tear.

Furthermore, be sure to keep an eye on the hoses and connections for any leaks or blockages. Lastly, it’s best to replace any parts that are worn or corroded as soon as possible to avoid any potential issues.

The Cost of Maintenance

When it comes to appliance maintenance, the cost can vary greatly depending on the type of unit and repair needed. Generally speaking, preventative maintenance is usually quite affordable as it just involves a basic check-up and cleaning.

On the other hand, repairs can get more expensive depending on what’s needed. But, keep in mind that the cost of not repairing a damaged or malfunctioning appliance can be even greater in the long run.


It’s always a good idea for landlords to stay up to date with appliance maintenance. With regular cleaning and inspections, you can ensure a long life for your units and keep your tenants happy. Of course, be sure to keep an eye on the cost of maintenance to ensure you’re getting the most bang for your buck. So, keep these tips in mind and happy renting!

Thanks for reading The Landlord’s Guide to Appliance Maintenance!

What appliances should landlords maintain?

1. Heating/cooling systems

2. Water heaters

3. Appliances provided (refrigerator, stove, dishwasher)

4. Smoke detectors

5. Electrical wiring and outlets

6. Plumbing fixtures

7. Insect/pest control

8. Window coverings/security locks

9. Lawn and yard equipment

10. Weatherproofing

11. Fire alarms

12. Door locks

13. Exhaust fans

14. Lighting fixtures and bulbs

15. Garbage disposals

What do landlords need to provide in regards to appliances?

Landlords are typically obligated to provide major appliances such as a refrigerator, stove/oven, and washer/dryer. Depending on the rental agreement, the landlord may be required to provide additional items such as a microwave or dishwasher. Landlords may also be required to maintain and repair these appliances as needed.

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