Understanding Credit Checks for Potential Tenants

Whether you’re a landlord with several rental units, or simply an individual about to rent a property, it’s important to understand the importance of tenant credit checks before you commit to a tenant. Credit checks are key for landlords when it comes to making sure you’ll be able to pay your rent on time and take proper care of the property.

What Is A Credit Check?

Credit checks are used by landlords to make sure potential tenants are financially reliable and unlikely to default on their rent payments or cause destruction to the property. They are conducted by a number of different organizations, such as Experian, Equifax and TransUnion. These organizations will provide landlords with a report detailing the credit history of the potential tenant, including any missed payments, past evictions, bankruptcies, or judgments against them.

Why Is A Credit Check Important?

A credit check is important for landlords as it gives them an insight into how reliable a tenant is likely to be when it comes to paying their rent. It provides transparency which allows landlords to make an informed decision on whether or not they should accept a tenant’s application. It also gives landlords an idea of how much risk they are likely to be taking on if they accept the tenant.

What Are The Benefits Of Running Credit Checks On Potential Tenants?

There are a number of benefits to running credit checks on potential tenants, such as:

  • Credit checks allow landlords to see how reliable the potential tenant is likely to be when it comes to paying rent on time and taking care of the property.
  • Credit checks can provide insight into any financial distress which may have caused the applicant to miss payments in the past.
  • Credit checks can save landlords from losing money in the form of unpaid rent.
  • Credit checks can save landlords from costly evictions, legal fees and other costs associated with removing an unreliable tenant from the property.
  • Credit checks are a good way to protect the landlord’s investment in the property.

What Factors Should You Consider When Running A Credit Check?

When running a credit check, there are certain factors which you should consider:

  • The applicant’s credit score.
  • Whether the applicant has any outstanding debts or bad credit.
  • Whether the applicant has a history of late payments or missed payments.
  • Whether the applicant has ever been evicted from a property.
  • Whether the applicant has ever declared bankruptcy or been subject to any judgment.

How Can You Ensure The Credit Check Is Legal?

In order to ensure the credit check is legal, landlords should make sure they follow certain steps:

  • Landlords should always get permission from the applicant before carrying out a credit check.
  • Landlords should ensure they only use credit reference companies which are listed on the Financial Conduct Authority (FCA) register.
  • Landlords should ensure they only use information from the credit check for legitimate reasons, such as judging the tenant’s suitability for a rental property.

What Are The Risks Of Running Credit Checks?

Although credit checks can be beneficial, there are some risks which landlords should consider:

  • There is a risk of discrimination, as some landlords may use information from the credit check to discriminate against certain applicants.
  • There is a risk of the applicant being reluctant to provide their personal information.
  • There is a risk of the landlord missing out on a reliable tenant due to inaccurate information.
  • There is a risk of the landlord being unable to make an informed decision due to an incomplete credit report.


Ultimately, it is important for landlords to understand the importance of running credit checks on potential tenants, as these can provide insight into how reliable they are likely to be when it comes to paying their rent and taking care of the property. However, landlords should also keep in mind the risks associated with running credit checks and ensure they are following the necessary steps to ensure the credit check is legal and fair.

Understanding Credit Checks for Potential Tenants is an important step to making sure a landlord picks the right tenant. By taking the right steps and observing the risks associated with the process, landlords can rest assured that they are making an informed decision before committing to a tenant.

What information is included in a credit check for potential tenants?

A credit check typically includes a credit score, information from consumer credit reports, records of past loan payments, any bankruptcies or liens, and any current debts. The information is used to assess the financial health of a potential tenant and help landlords assess their trustworthiness.

What is considered bad credit for a potential tenant?

Bad credit for a potential tenant is generally considered any credit score below 600, as well as any serious delinquencies or negative marks on the credit report. It can also include a history of late payments, collections, bankruptcies, foreclosures, or judgments against them.

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