Understanding the Use of Augmented Reality in Real Estate

It’s no surprise that technology is changing the real estate industry. With the advent of new products and services, real estate developers have access to more sophisticated tools in an effort to engage and serve clients. One such tool is augmented reality (AR). This technology has already been incorporated into the real estate industry to assist in marketing and promoting new projects.

What is Augmented Reality?

Augmented reality (AR) is a computer-generated, interactive, visual experience created by overlaying digital elements into the existing environment. It combines both virtual reality (VR) and the real world, giving users a more immersive experience. Essentially, it takes the user away from reality and transports them into a simulated environment. Unlike virtual reality, which relies on completely artificial environments, AR incorporates real-world elements to make the experience as life-like as possible.

What is Augmented Reality Used For in Real Estate?

AR has a wide range of uses in the real estate industry, from funding and marketing to customer experience. Here are some of the most common ways AR is used in the real estate sector:

  • Funding: AR can be used to secure and increase funding for a project, such as a new housing development. By providing potential investors with a 3D model of the project, developers can effectively demonstrate the scale and scope of a project.
  • Marketing: AR can be used to create an engaging and memorable marketing experience for potential customers. Through the use of virtual showrooms and interactive 3D models, developers can present their projects in an attractive and realistic manner.
  • Customer Experience: AR can also be used to enhance the customer experience. Customers can use AR to take an interactive tour of a property before they decide to purchase or rent it. This allows them to get a better idea of what the property looks like without having to physically visit the property.

Advantages of AR in Real Estate

When incorporated into real estate, AR offers several advantages, such as:

  • Cost Savings: AR can help reduce costs associated with the development of properties as well as marketing them. By using AR, developers can save costs such as travel expenses, as they are able to show potential buyers an immersive, life-like experience without them having to be physically present.
  • Customer Engagement: AR can also help developers to increase customer engagement, as it allows customers to have a virtual tour of a property before they decide to purchase or rent it. This allows customers to get an accurate impression of the property without having to physically visit it.
  • Enhanced Visualization: AR enables developers to create a life-like, interactive representation of a property, which makes it easier for customers to understand the size, scope and features of a property. This helps to create a better visual appeal, which in turn, can help to ensure a smooth sales process.

Steps to Implement Augmented Reality in Real Estate

The following are the steps that need to be taken in order to implement AR in real estate projects:

  • Plan the Project: The first step is to plan the project. This involves determining the objectives of the project, the resources available, the timeline, and the budget.
  • Set Up the Environment: The next step is to set up the environment. This involves setting up the virtual environment and ensuring that all the necessary software and hardware are in place.
  • Create the Content: Once the environment is set up, create the necessary content. This includes creating 3D models of the proposed properties, taking pictures and videos, and creating visualizations of the completed projects.
  • Test the Project: Before launching the project, it is important to test it to make sure it meets the requirements and delivers the desired results.
  • Launch the Project: After testing, the project can be launched and marketed to potential customers.

Challenges of Augmented Reality in Real Estate

Although AR offers many advantages, it also comes with some challenges. These include:

  • High Costs of Implementation: AR technology can be expensive to implement, and requires a significant amount of time and resources.
  • Responsive Technology: AR technology can be difficult to use on all devices, particularly on smaller screens.
  • Privacy Concerns: As AR technology relies on the collection of customer data, there are privacy concerns that need to be taken into account.

Examples of Augmented Reality in Real Estate

There are several examples of AR being used in the real estate industry. For instance, Sweden-based startup, Artsy, created an AR platform that allows users to experience digital art galleries within their own home. This platform eliminates the need for expensive showrooms and enables users to virtually explore properties before they make a decision whether to purchase or rent.


In conclusion, Augmented reality (AR) is changing the real estate industry. AR can be used in both funding and marketing, as well as enhancing the customer experience. Although there are challenges associated with implementing AR technology, the advantages it offers are too great to ignore. As AR technology continues to evolve, it will undoubtedly become an increasingly important tool for the real estate industry.

What role does augmented reality play in real estate marketing?

Augmented reality plays an important role in real estate marketing by enabling users to virtually explore properties in 2015. It enables agents to transport clients into a property, enabling them to make better decisions before making any purchase. Augmented Reality programmes have been used by agents for showing prospective buyers how a property could look once their own furniture is inside. It also allows property appraisers to quickly and easily create reports of images that demonstrate a vivid knowledge of a space with exact dimensions. Additionally, AR can be used as a tool to assist in a negotiation, showing what a room may look like with new paint and appliances and enabling an accurate comparison of potential investment outcomes. AR also enhances the overall user experience of real estate agents, making it easier for them to create an immersive experience for clients, as well as increasing their productivity and accuracy with home tours and remote marketing.

What other industries are using augmented reality in their marketing efforts?

1. Automotive: Major automotive companies such as BMW, Hyundai, Kia, and Mercedes-Benz are all utilizing augmented reality in their marketing campaigns. They are using the technology to create interactive experiences such as virtual test drives, promotional videos, or product demonstrations.

2. Retail: Retail businesses have been using augmented reality to help customers visualize how products look in their homes. Companies like IKEA and Target have apps that allow users to view virtual 3D models of certain products on their phones or tablets.

3. Travel & Tourism: The travel industry has been one of the earliest adopters of augmented reality in their marketing efforts. Travel companies like Expedia are using the technology to create interactive experiences for potential customers. Brands can create immersive virtual tours so that users can explore different destinations before booking a trip.

4. Education: Educational institutions have been using augmented reality to complement their traditional curriculum and support student learning. AR can provide students with a more engaging and interactive way to learn by immersing them in a 3D learning environment.

5. Food & Beverage: Restaurants, food, and beverage companies have been using augmented reality to promote their products. Brands like Coca-Cola and Mcdonalds have developed mobile apps that allow customers to scan product labels and be rewarded with virtual prizes. This helps to engage customers and encourage them to make purchases.

What are some examples of augmented reality being used in marketing?

1. Ikea Place: Ikea recently released an augmented reality app which allows shoppers to visualize their furniture in their own home. Customers can virtually place 3-dimensional furniture and accessories into their own home to get an idea of how it would look, helping them make an informed purchase decision.

2. Reebok Try-On Experience: Reebok recently used augmented reality to let customers virtually try on shoes. Customers can scan their feet with their mobile device, then watch as a 3-D model of a shoe appears, allowing them to visualize how the shoe would look and fit on their feet.

3. Fox Sports: Fox Sports used augmented reality to bring the Super Bowl experience to life as part of their promotional campaign. Fans were able to virtually experience the action of the game by holding up their phone and scanning their environment. The app then placed a 3-dimensional representation of the players and kits onto the screen, allowing users to immerse themselves in the action of the game.

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