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How to Rebuild Tenant Trust After Emergency Repairs

Emergency repairs are an inevitable part of being a landlord, but answering the call of your tenants’ requests in a timely and adequately executed manner can prove difficult. If emergency repairs take too long and are completed poorly, it can be difficult to regain the trust of your tenants. It’s important that tenants recognize that you’re empathizing with them and be able to trust that you will take care of their issues in the future. Here are tips on how to rebuild tenant trust after emergency repairs.

1. Respond Immediately to Tenant Requests

Time is of the essence when it comes to emergency repairs and responding to tenant requests. The quicker you offer a resolution, the more likely your tenants are going to trust your actions. Being available for your tenants and showing them that you prioritize their requests and their safety can go a long way.

2. Show Transparency and Follow-Through with Action

Informing your tenants on the progress of emergency repairs and any expected timelines is a great way to gain their trust. Informing them of any mistakes or delays can also be beneficial. You can assure your tenants that while issues do come up, they will be resolved. Being honest and direct about the issue, as well as follow-through with actions can make all the difference when it comes to regaining tenant trust.

3. Ensure Quality Repairs and Rent Reductions

Carrying out quality and thorough repairs to their satisfaction is a great way to rebuild tenant trust. Communications with the repair staff, as well as informing tenants that their issues are of equal importance is important. If your tenant is not satisfied with the repairs or if the issue is taking too long to repair, offering rent reductions and other solutions such as rental credits is a great way to show them that their issues matter.

4. Give Tenants Options for Emergency Repairs

Giving tenants the option to choose who they trust to carry out repairs or maintenance on their property is an important factor when it comes to regaining tenant trust. Empowering tenants with the choice of who will be carrying out the repairs, establishes that you have their best interest in mind. You can suggest a few vetted repair companies or services that can take on their requests in a speedy and satisfactory manner.

5. Get to Know Your Tenants

Getting to know your tenants, understanding their needs and concerns, and building a strong relationship with them can go a long way when it comes to rebuilding trust. Taking the time to exchange pleasantries with your tenants and proactively offering help and tips to them, as well as showing that you take their concerns seriously can help you regain their trust.

6. Offer Maintenance Solutions

If you’ve dealt with multiple emergency repairs, you should start looking into implementing a property maintenance solution to prevent any future issues. A maintenance solution that involves inspections, forecasts, budgeting and preventive maintenance can keep tenants feeling safe and secure, while reducing emergency repair requests and costs. With a maintenance program in place, tenants are more likely to trust your advice and maintenance recommendations.

7. Keep Tenants Updated on Repair Progress

Make sure you’re in constant communication with your tenants and updating them on the progress of repairs. Keeping them informed will ease any anxiety they may be feeling and show that you care about their comfort. Whether its sending status updates or reassuring texts, make sure you focus on the tenant and their needs rather than the work that needs to be done.

8. Focus on Customer Service

Customer service is extremely important when it comes to emergency repairs and any query a tenant may have. Making sure that an attentive, friendly and knowledgeable member of staff is available for any repair request shows you care. Being curtious and soliciting continual feedback from your tenants will help you gain trust and be remembered fondly.

9. Go the Extra Mile

Going the extra mile is an important step in gaining tenant trust after a series of emergency repairs. Whether it’s provuding additional extras such as a bouquet of flowers, a free month of rental or a reference letter, showing your appreciation for your tenants will go a long way in restoring their trust.

10. Speak Positively about Your Tenants

Instead of speaking negatively about your tenants and their requests for emergency repairs, speak positively when acknowledging their requests. Show them that you acknowledge their needs and that you are not frustrated or dismissive of them. Tenants who feel respected, appreciated and heard are more likely to put their trust in you when it comes to future requests.


Gaining and maintaining the trust of your tenants is an important part of owning and running rental residences. If tenants don’t feel that their emergencies are addressed with attentiveness and empathy, it can be difficult to regain their trust. To rebuild tenant trust, you’ll need to be available, reassuring, and accommodating. Employing the above tactics will ensure that communications are open and smooth, and that you take your tenants’ safety and comfort seriously. Reestablishing trust after emergency repairs may take time, but is an important factor when it comes to keeping tenants in the long run.

What should I do if tenants are not happy with emergency repairs?

If tenants are not happy with emergency repairs, it is important to address their concerns directly and provide them with an explanation as to why the repairs are necessary. If appropriate, offer them a compromise solution such as having the work done during mutually agreed upon convenient times or offering some compensation for any inconvenience. It may also be beneficial to contact them before and after the repair to ensure they are satisfied. Finally, if possible, offer them something extra as a gesture of appreciation for their patience and understanding.

What are a landlord’s obligations for emergency repairs?

A landlord’s obligations will vary from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, but generally speaking a landlord is required to provide prompt response and repair for emergency situations that threaten the safety or welfare of tenants, including fires, flooding, exposed wiring, a broken furnace, no heat, gas leaks, or a broken window. In many jurisdictions, landlords are obligated to provide emergency repairs within 24 hours. If the repair requires a licensed professional, the landlord is responsible for arranging and paying for the repairs.

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