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When and How to Issue a Lease Violation Notice

As a landlord, it’s important to know when and how to issue a lease violation notice, so you can protect your rental property and address tenant violations properly. It’s the responsibility of the landlord to make sure all tenants are following the lease agreement or to reprimand those who are not following the rules.

What Is a Violation of the Lease Agreement?

A violation of the lease agreement is any action of a tenant that is in direct contravention of the lease rules. Often times, this is when a tenant fails to pay rent on time or in full, but can also include other activities such as allowing unauthorized people to stay in the rental, damaging the property, or performing illegal activities on the premises.

When Is a Violation Notice Needed?

It’s important to understand when a lease violation notice is needed. If a tenant has violated the lease agreement, a lease violation notice is typically sent to the tenant to notify them of the violation and to inform them of any resulting consequences. Depending on the state law, the landlord may need to provide written notice and give the tenant an opportunity to correct the violation, such as paying rent arrears or correcting any other lease violations.

It is important to note that a lease violation notice should only be sent if the tenant has actually violated the terms of the lease. Before sending a lease violation notice to a tenant, the landlord should make sure they are in breach of the terms of the lease.

What Should Be Included in the Notice?

When composing a violation notice, it is important to make sure all of the relevant information is included in the letter or notice. The lease violation notice should include the following basic information:

  • The name of the tenant.
  • The address of the rental property.
  • The date of the lease violation.
  • A detailed list of the tenant’s violations.
  • Any required corrective actions that the tenant must take.
  • A deadline for the tenant to comply.
  • The consequences for failing to comply within the given deadline.

It is important to make sure that the lease violation notice is worded in a professional manner. The landlord should also avoid any threats or use any aggressive language.

When Should the Notice Be Delivered?

It is important to make sure that the lease violation notice is delivered as soon as possible after the violation. The notice should be sent to the tenant’s last known address, or you can personally deliver the notice if you prefer.

It is important to make sure that the tenant receives the notice in a timely manner. If the tenant does not receive the notice in a timely manner, they may successfully contest it in court.

What Are The Consequences of an Unpaid Violation?

If the tenant does not comply with the requirements within the given time frame, the landlord may take additional actions, such as evicting the tenant. Before taking any such drastic action, the landlord should make sure they are following all relevant state laws and regulations.

What About a Recurring Violation?

If a tenant has committed a recurring violation, such as failing to pay the rent on time for several months, the landlord may want to consider filing an eviction notice instead of a lease violation notice. An eviction notice is a more severe form of a violation notice that gives the tenant a certain amount of time to vacate the property.


It is important for landlords to know when and how to issued a lease violation notice, as it is necessary for protecting rental property and addressing any tenant violations. A lease violation notice should include specific information and should be professionally written and delivered in a timely manner. If the tenant fails to comply within the given time-frame, the landlord may take additional action, such as issuing an eviction notice.

What type of information should be included in a lease violation notice?

1. The tenant’s name and address

2. The date of the lease violation

3. Description of the violation

4. The amount of time the tenant has to rectify the violation

5. The applicable lease terms (that were violated)

6. The consequences, such as possible penalties or evictions, of continued violations

7. Landlord contact information for the tenant to address any questions or concerns about the violation .

What should I do if a tenant violates the terms of their lease?

If a tenant violates the terms of their lease, it is important to act promptly. You should initially communicate directly with the tenant and review the specifics of the violation. Depending on the severity of the violation, you may want to give the tenant a warning and/or an opportunity to fix the violation before further action is taken. If the tenant does not comply with the lease agreement, you can choose to terminate the lease and begin eviction proceedings. Additionally, if there are applicable local laws, you may also be able to take legal action against the tenant.

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